15 Daily Habits That Drain Your Savings

15 Daily Habits That Drain Your Savings


Without noticing, our repetitive daily habits burn a hole in our wallets and drain our bank accounts. And they are keeping us from building wealth.

Considering that 69% of adult Americans have less than $1,000 in savings, we spend too much of our hard-earned money. Taken to the extreme, these bad daily habits could put us into a position of financial weakness or, after decades of overspending, push back our retirement. To be more mindful of your spending, review these 15 habits that drain your savings.

1 – Buying a Morning Cup O’ Joe

Starbucks coffee in Sante Fe, New Mexico
Image Credit: nyker/Shutterstock.

Though dropping $3 bucks (or more) for a coffee may not seem like a lot of money, that expense adds up over time. $3 a day is $15 over five days or $60 bucks a month. If you were to invest that $60 instead of spending it on coffee, assuming a 7% rate of return, you’d have over $10K in 10 years. Are those expensive designer drinks worth $10,000 (or more) every decade?

2 – Drinking Caffeine

tea kettle
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Even if you’re not a coffee drinker, caffeine is a stimulant that is highly addictive. Energy drinks and sodas often contain caffeine, and this daily habit adds up over time.

When grabbing them on the go, energy drinks like Red Bull and Monster can cost close to $4 a can. If you need a caffeine fix in the morning, brewing a cup of coffee at home costs around $0.25, or a cup of tea can cost even less.

3 – Eating Out Everyday

Woman eating italian pasta and drinking wine at restaurant on the street in Rome. Concept of Italian gastronomy and travel. Stylish woman with sunglasses and colorful hair shawl
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Restaurants are huge budget killers, with the meals costing around $13. On average, Americans spend almost $3,000 a year eating out (or in the age of COVID-19, getting takeout), according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The daily habit of eating at home can save people a tremendous amount of money. You can prepare homemade meals for about $3 to $4 a person. To save time, double the recipe so you’ll have leftovers.

4 – Bad Driving Habits

Successful businessman in a suit drives his luxury car.
Image Credit: Light-Studio/Shutterstock.

Bad driving habits can easily decrease gas mileage in your car. Aggressive driving can cut your gas mileage by up to 30%. For example, accelerating up to stop lights, weaving in and out of traffic, and constant braking will lead you to the gas station more often.

Better driving habits include adhering to the speed limit and coasting up to stoplights rather than accelerating. Removing extra weight in your vehicle can also help improve gas mileage and use your cruise control when driving on the highway.

5 – Watching Cable Television

Image Credit: bbernard/Shutterstock.

Your cable TV service is probably expensive. Most cable companies start their television service packages at $60 monthly, but many subscribers pay $100 or more for movie and sports channels.

For under $50, buy a digital antenna to watch network television stations in crystal-clear high definition. Use streaming services like Netflix and Hulu to access movies and your favorite cable television channels and shows. Or, go to a buddy’s house to watch the big game on a channel you do not get.

6 – Drinking Alcohol

Man drinking fresh beer
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Drinking alcohol is usually not cheap, especially at bars and restaurants. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates Americans spend about 1% of their gross income on booze, including beer, wine, and other hard liquors. This can add up to tens of thousands of dollars every decade.

If you drink alcohol, consider challenging yourself with a dry week once a month. Or, when out socializing, pick a beer instead of expensive cocktails or wine.

7 – Using an ATM

Cash, Money, Rich, wealthy, currency
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Using ATMs not affiliated with your bank will cost you an average of $4 per transaction. To avoid paying these fees, only use your bank’s ATM. And when you do, take out enough cash to last a while. Or, consider getting cash back at grocery stores and other retailers when using your debit card to purchase. That’s a free cash withdrawal!

8 – Not Using Your Gym Membership

Men working out
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

If you have a membership to a gym, use it. According to Healthline, the average cost of a gym membership is $58, though memberships can cost more in high-priced cities like New York City or Los Angeles. If your gym is closed due to COVID-19, consider canceling your membership and using that money to build up your savings.

9 – Playing The Lottery

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You can’t win if you don’t play.” But even if you do play, the odds are you still won’t win. For instance, the odds of winning the Powerball drawing in Tennessee was 1 in 292.2 million recently. This means you have a much better chance of being killed by a lightning strike (1 in 2.3 million) or being struck by a falling airplane part (1 in 10 million).

10 – Trashing Leftovers

Credit: Stokkete/Shutterstock.

By throwing leftovers into the trash, you’re effectively throwing away money. Make it a habit to eat leftovers for lunch and keep a box of freezer bags in your pantry to freeze food before it goes bad.

11 – Buying Name-Brand

Close up mature woman taking out pills from bottle, supplements or antibiotic, older female preparing to take emergency medicine, chronic disease, healthcare and treatment concept
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

As we make more money, upgrading our spending is all too attractive. Lifestyle inflation is a killer, and buying name-brand is one way many people spend more as their salaries increase.

Store or generic brands are often just as good as their name-brand counterparts. With food or medications, check the ingredients list. You might find that store brands include the same ingredients. Generic medicines are typically 80% cheaper than the same name-brand drugs with the same active ingredients.

12 – Smoking

No Smoking Sign
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The king of all bad daily habits, smoking is hugely addictive and costly. The National Cancer Institute said the average cost of a single pack of cigarettes is $6.28, which adds up to almost $2,300 if you’re smoking a pack daily. But if you live in an area like New York City with a high tobacco tax, you could spend more than $10 a pack, skyrocketing the cost of cigarettes.

13 – Shopping When You’re Hungry

Ways To Make Buying in Bulk Worthwhile
Image Courtesy of Canva.

You are more likely to overspend if you’re in a grocery store when you’re hungry. Instead, shop for groceries when you’re not hungry, like after a meal rather than before it. Make sure you have a shopping list, and you stick to it.

14 – Always Picking up The Tab

eating artichokes
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

You’re burning a hole in your wallet if you consistently offer to pick up the bill at bars or restaurants. It probably makes you feel good to pay the bill, but can you truly afford it? The next time you’re out for a group dinner, split the bill or take turns picking up the tab.

15 – Being Brand Loyal

Woman Comparison Shopping
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

With nearly 9 out of 10 consumers professing brand loyalty, many people are overspending. Whether in a grocery store, department store, or online store, see what’s on sale before purchasing.

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