15 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in DC

15 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in DC


Let’s talk about something serious: safety in Washington D.C. Yes, it’s a beautiful city with a rich history, it has some safe areas but not all neighborhoods are safe.  It’s important to know where you’re going, especially if you’re considering a move or planning a visit. So, we’ve compiled a list of the 15 most dangerous neighborhoods in D.C., based on crime rates and other factors. 

Our aim is to help you stay informed and safe. Here’s a list to get you started.

The Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in Washington D.C.

  1. Shaw
  2. Anacostia
  3. Columbia Heights
  4. Petworth
  5. Benning Ridge
  6. Deanwood
  7. Carver/Langston
  8. Edgewood
  9. Trinidad
  10. Congress Heights
  11. Sursum Corda
  12. Brentwood
  13. Fairfax Village
  14. Hill East
  15. Kenilworth


Shaw, infamous for its elevated crime rates, often makes its way into the headlines. With an alarming number of reported incidents, it’s indeed a neighborhood that warrants the adjective “dangerous”. The area’s crime statistics reveal a snapshot of the issues that persist here. Theft and assault are two of the most common forms of crime present in this neighborhood, presenting a clear menace to the residents. 

Anxiety is a constant companion of those who live here or happen to navigate through its lanes. The very pillars of a safe community like security, peace, and neighborly trust seem to be continually eroding.

The task of improving Shaw’s crime statistics is undeniably hefty but certainly not impossible. It’s a joint effort by authorities, residents, and all involved to make Shaw a safer neighborhood with each passing day.


Located in the southeast quadrant of DC, Anacostia is a neighborhood with historical significance. It is known for its Victorian-style houses and the Anacostia Community Museum. But this region faces a significant fight with crime. Despite the efforts of local law enforcement and community advocates, crime rates here remain consistently above the city’s average. 

Violent crime, such as assaults and robberies, occurs frequently in Anacostia. If you look at the data, you’ll notice that residents here are likely to become victims of crime. This has created an alarm among the community, pushing them to look for strategies to improve their neighborhood’s safety.

Community meetings, neighborhood watches, and increased police patrols are some methods they’ve been exploring. Even with these initiatives, turning the tides on crime in Anacostia continues to be a tough challenge.

Columbia Heights

If you live in DC, you’re probably familiar with Columbia Heights. It’s a place where you can expect to encounter crime more than some other areas. While it has its pros, being notorious for safety issues is definitely a con. In recent years, the community has reported a considerable increase in violent incidents such as assaults. 

Most times, you’ll find violent crime statistics to be well above the national average here. This neighborhood is also known for its burglaries, theft, and auto theft cases. The investment of city officials in introducing preventive measures has yet to bring promising results. Living in Columbia Heights means that you need to be extra aware of your surroundings, especially during the night hours.


Petworth is a neighborhood located in the Northwestern quadrant of Washington D.C. Unfortunately, it has often grabbed headlines for the wrong reasons, thanks largely to a growing crime rate. 

The crimes in Petworth encompass both violent and property crimes. With incidents such as break-ins, theft, and assault regularly reported, residents and visitors alike often express concerns over their well-being. The presence of crime also takes a toll on the overall quality of life in the area.

However, it’s not all bleak in Petworth. Community efforts to combat crime have been notable. Neighborhood watch groups have sprung up and the active involvement of residents in reporting incidents has helped the police respond in a timely manner. Still, the need for a more robust law enforcement presence and improved social infrastructure remains apparent. 

Benning Ridge

Benning Ridge finds itself on this list due to its significant problem with crime. This southeast DC neighborhood has been battling safety issues over the past years. The violent crime rate in this area is particularly high. These issues are often amplified in certain sections of the neighborhood, causing fear and tension among residents. 

On top of that, property crime rates, such as theft and burglary, are also noticeably high. 


Situated in the Northeast quadrant of Washington DC, Deanwood is an area known for its crime-related issues. It’s not uncommon to hear news of violent crimes such as homicides and assaults here. In fact, statistical reports reveal that Deanwood consistently ranks among the neighborhoods with the highest crime rate in the city. 

The local law enforcement agencies, including the Metropolitan Police Department, are scrambling to put effective preventive measures in place. Despite their tireless efforts, the gravity of the situation remains unchanged. Locals are often worried about their safety and the future of their community.


Carver/Langston district is a part of DC which unfortunately has come to be known for its crime-related issues. Safety is a significant challenge faced by the residents here.

The increase in thefts and assaults in recent years has put the local residents on high alert. The local suburban nature of Carver/Langston should not deceive you. It’s advised you stay cautious and alert at all times to ensure your safety. 

The situation, however, isn’t hopeless. Local law enforcement and community organizations are working together to implement security measures and curb crime rates. Teams patrol the neighborhood round the clock, while neighborhood watches have been established to promote a sense of community vigilance.

Despite the security challenges, there is a collective effort to turn the tide, and it’s this spirit of unity that gives hope to the residents of Carver/Langston.


Reports show the neighborhood has one of the highest crime rates in the District of Columbia. Statistically, you stand a 1 in 22 chance of falling victim to property or violent crime in this part of the city. 

Steeped in history, Edgewood has had a long-standing relationship with criminal activity. The area is known for multiple incidents of violent crimes, such as robbery, assault, and gun violence.

And it’s not just the night-time you need to be cautious about – crime is a 24/7 concern here, with both daylight and after-dark incidents reported frequently. 


Trinidad showcases the diverse character that DC is known for, but unfortunately, it also stands out for its high crime rate. If you’ve been thinking about going there, it’s crucial to know what you’re getting into. It’s particularly famed for its strong communal spirit, but it’s also truthfully a hood where you might want to be extra careful, especially when walking the streets at night. 

In terms of statistics, Trinidad takes a low spot on the safety ladder. Property crimes are particularly prevalent here, with reports of theft, burglary, and motor vehicle theft being a significant concern.

Many attribute the rising rate of illicit activities to factors like unemployment, poverty, and substance abuse. However, this doesn’t negate Trinidad’s importance as it strives to improve the living conditions and safety of its residents.

Congress Heights

Congress Heights is one area in Washington D.C. that can pose some real security issues. A considerable number of felonies and misdemeanors have been recorded here.

Exposure to such data is enough to raise your eyebrows. But crucially, it’s important to understand the crime stats and situational analysis of why the area ranks high on the criminal activities list. 

According to recent crime data, more than double the city’s average crime rate is reported from Congress Heights. This substantial rate is quite concerning for residents and potential visitors to the area.

Here, multiple types of crimes are reported often, including robberies and aggravated assaults, which contribute to a feeling of pervasive insecurity. 

Sursum Corda

Sursum Corda often finds itself on lists like this one because of its high crime rate. You have a 1 in 18 chance of being a victim of crime in this neighborhood. Certainly, it’s not something to talk lightly about.

Violence and other types of crime are real concerns for those who live in this part of DC. The high crime rate can, unfortunately, cast a dark cloud over the neighborhood. 

But it’s important not to overlook the steps that community leaders and local residents are taking to make things better. Resident associations and community centers are working hard to offer activities for young people.

Policymakers are also putting their heads together to come up with strategies to reduce crime. But even with these initiatives, Sursum Corda is still a place that demands a cautious approach, particularly after dark.


You may have heard that Brentwood in DC has been dealing with some safety issues. This is unfortunately true. In recent years, Brentwood has had its fair share of crime – mostly involving violence and theft-related offenses. 

Despite efforts to bring the numbers down, Brentwood is still a part of DC where you need to stay vigilant. It’s not uncommon to hear of incidents of robbery or even assault, which is a clear signal of the community’s ongoing battle with criminal activity.

With 7,990 crimes being reported for every 100k people, you have a 1 in 13 chance of being a victim as well. 

Fairfax Village

Fairfax Village usually appears like a peaceful residential area. But beneath this calm exterior, lies an unsettling level of criminal activities. It’s not as safe as you might expect and demands are rising for effective safety measures to manage crime rates. 

Crime issues range from robberies and assaults to more serious felonies. The nighttime brings a wave of unease due to frequent petty thefts and break-ins. It’s highly advisable to maintain a level of alertness while visiting or living in this area.

Hill East

Hill East, also known as Barney’s Circle, has unfortunately earned a reputation for crime. Located in the eastern part of DC, near Capitol Hill and the National Park—the neighborhood faces routine criminal activities. Stepping outside after the sun goes down can be anxiety-inducing, especially due to incidents of violent crimes. 

Property crimes are also a significant problem in Hill East. Break-ins and theft are not uncommon and local residents often share warnings and updates about crime in the area through community forums and group chats.

But don’t be too quick to rule out Hill East. Despite the crime rate, there are also plenty of friendly neighbors and community-oriented events that make Hill East more than just its crime statistics.


Kenilworth is a neighborhood known for its lovely aquatic gardens. But beneath the surface beauty, it is a neighborhood unfortunately known for its high crime rates. Over the years, the neighborhood has struggled in its fight against crime, becoming one of the riskier places to live in Washington DC. 

The crimes reported here mostly involve theft and assault. The possibility of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime is much larger compared to other areas. Residents often express concern about their safety, especially during the night.

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The post 15 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in DC appeared first on Dollarsanity.

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