21 Tips for Moving From Middle to Upper Class According to Financial Pros

21 Tips for Moving From Middle to Upper Class According to Financial Pros


If you were not born into wealth, making your way into the higher echelons of society may seem daunting. However, moving from middle to upper class is possible with the right knowledge and planning. While there is no foolproof method for achieving upper-class status, we’ve spoken with some licensed financial professionals who have shed light on how those not born with a silver spoon in their mouth can climb the socioeconomic ladder.

Remember, change won’t happen overnight; it takes time. So stay patient, remain consistent, and utilize these tips to help propel you forward.

1. Develop Relevant Skills

Portrait of Woman Creating a Software and Coding Surrounded by Big Screens Displaying Lines of Programming Language Code. Female Programmer Working in a Monitoring Room. Futuristic Concept
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Identifying high-income skills is crucial in elevating your social and economic status. Specializing in areas such as coding, data analytics, or creative design can increase earning potential, helping to increase your monthly salary. 

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median income is significantly higher for individuals in technology and other high-skill occupations. The median annual wage for people in these professions was $100,530, compared to the median national wage of $46,310. 

2. Earn a College Education

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Pursuing a college education is often seen as a stepping-stone to achieving an upper-income class status. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, those with a Bachelor’s degree earn about 68% more than those with just a high school diploma. 

The report highlights a distinct correlation between college education, earning capabilities, and net worth—emphasizing education’s role in shaping your earnings. Essentially, the more educated you are, the higher your chances are of escaping middle-class income and entering the upper class.

Chris Mankoff, Certified Financial Planner, explains:

“I have witnessed a majority of clients shift from middle to upper class primarily as a result of career advancement, with some that have invested in themselves through education in order to achieve career advancement. ”

3. Understand Tax Policies

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Understanding and using tax policies to your advantage can greatly influence income distribution and, by extension, social class. Knowledge about tax rates, tax credits, and reforms is a tool for wealth creation.

Being knowledgeable about how the tax system works is essential. Learning how to handle taxes efficiently may allow you to keep more of the money you make. As a result, you can use that money to invest, adding to your wealth.

4. Embrace Entrepreneurship

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Starting a business or a side hustle can be a strategic move to boost your way up from the middle class. Consider putting any and all of your ideas into action. Start small, and if you are short on funds, look at financing options for small businesses.

You can then use the profits from one venture to invest in another. Doing this on a rinse-and-repeat basis can open up new income sources that considerably increase wealth and help you move to the upper class.

As Ross Blount, CFP, CEPA, CRPC, puts it: 

“Traditional investing in stocks can help you get wealthier, but buying or starting a business could accelerate your wealth more than anything, and it is easier to do than one may think.”

5. Value and Practice Frugality

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Maintaining a lifestyle below your means can increase your net worth over time. The wealthiest often do not live the most extravagant lifestyles. Instead, they prioritize saving and investing over luxurious spending. Following this approach, you can elevate yourself and your finances.

6. Learn Negotiation Skills

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Becoming proficient in negotiation skills is vital. Knowing how to strike a good deal can often earn you more money. The better you are able to negotiate, the more financial benefit you will likely reap.

Good negotiation skills can be of great use both professionally and in personal finance. As a good negotiator, you may be able to get a better deal on the car you’re buying or a better rate on the loan you are after.

7. Make Friends and Connect With Others

Excited friends playing video games at home.
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Making friends and connections is very important for people wanting to move up in the world. Being part of the right groups can lead to chances and opportunities you wouldn’t have had otherwise. Using these connections and taking advantage of the opportunities they may offer can help you improve your overall wealth.

8. Invest in Real Estate

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By strategically acquiring and managing properties, investors can generate passive income streams, accumulate equity, and leverage assets to acquire additional properties or engage in larger-scale developments. Over time, this portfolio growth can lead to substantial wealth accumulation, providing access to higher-quality housing, diversified income streams, and increased financial stability.

9. Engage in Financial Planning

couple with advisor going over their finances
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Financial planning and management are vital for social mobility. A financial safety net is created by wisely managing finances through saving, investing, and budgeting. A Certified Financial Planner (CFP) or a similar professional may be advantageous in helping you make the most of your money so you can one day break free from the middle class.

Arielle Tucker, CFP & EA, explains:

“Imagine Alex, a first-generation university graduate who embarked on a transformative journey in the tech industry. In a short span, their financial status underwent a profound shift, propelling them into a different wealth class than their family had ever experienced.

While the newfound wealth brought excitement, the sudden change also stirred feelings of insecurity about navigating finances on this uncharted terrain. They were suddenly surrounded by people who could comfortably navigate complex financial lingo and strategy they had never encountered.

Recognizing the need for stability and long-term prosperity, Alex sought us out as the right support to navigate this financial metamorphosis. With strategic guidance from our tax and financial planning team, they implemented a tailored plan encompassing financial education, diversified investments, mentoring and networking, financial literacy, and legacy planning.”

10. Refine Your Etiquette

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Good manners and effective communication are key to elevating social standing. Learning these skills makes you appear more respectable and fit into upper-class circles. As a result, you’ll attract connections, helping you network with influential people and gain opportunities that will help you climb the social ladder.

11. Be Charitable

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Engaging in charitable activities can facilitate the transition from the middle class to the upper class through various channels. Philanthropy provides networking opportunities and connections with affluent individuals and organizations, which can open doors to higher-paying jobs, lucrative business ventures, or valuable mentorship.

Involvement in charitable causes often requires leadership skills, strategic thinking, and a strong work ethic, qualities highly valued in upper-class circles and professional settings.

12. Seek Professional Advancement

man getting online certification
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Professional development, including further training, certifications, and higher education opportunities, can significantly boost your career prospects. Striving for promotions and leadership roles within an organization can also elevate your professional status. 

13. Leverage the Gig Economy

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With the rise of the gig economy, many people find alternative routes to increase their income. Doing extra jobs like consulting, tutoring, or freelancing can help you earn more money. After all, you have to start somewhere, and you can use the money from side hustles to invest in your future.

14. Diversify Your Investments

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Consider spreading your money across a variety of assets. The wealthiest investors typically diversify in order to help their money grow. They tend to spread their investments throughout the stock market, bonds, various funds, and real estate. The possibilities are endless, and being open to multiple sources of income is essential to making your money work for you.

15. Maintain Strong Savings

A person putting coins into a savings jar with money laying on the table.
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Building a solid savings plan is crucial for moving from middle to upper class. An emergency fund of 3-6 months’ living expenses can keep your finances stable and empower you to pursue other profitable opportunities. 

Aim to save 10-20% of your income, allocating portions to various accounts like high-yield savings for emergencies and retirement funds for long-term goals. Remember, consistent savings enable debt reduction and protect yourself from sudden problems. 

16. Create a Smart Budget

50/30/20 Budgeting Rule
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Creating a smart budget plan, like the 50/30/20 rule, allocating 50% to needs, 30% to wants, and 20% to savings and debt, is crucial for maximizing income. Budgeting helps you track spending, identify areas to cut back, prioritize needs, and allocate funds effectively for savings and debt repayment.

Start by using budgeting apps or spreadsheets. Then, diligently track your expenses for a month, review your budget regularly, and adjust your spending habits based on your income and goals.

17. Participate in Community Development

Gardening Community
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Getting involved in local community development can play a part in the climb from the middle to the upper class. Working together with others in your area may very well open doors for you. By participating in local efforts, you make connections and learn new skills useful for personal growth while networking with potential business and social contacts. 

18. Encourage Generational Wealth Building

5 Steps To Prepare Your Family for a Financial Emergency
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While it may not be fair, it tends to be true that building generational wealth can serve as a transformative bridge between the middle and upper classes. It is oftentimes a pathway to sustained financial security and prosperity. Families can significantly bolster their economic standing and increase their social mobility by strategically accumulating assets, investments, and resources over successive generations.

19. Engage in Skill-Sharing and Mentoring

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In upper-class circles, being recognized as an authority in a particular field or skill can lead to invitations to exclusive events, access to influential networks, and increased visibility within relevant industries. Skill sharing fosters a culture of reciprocity and collaboration.

By embracing skill-sharing initiatives, you can leverage your talents to ascend to higher socioeconomic groups. This can result in mutually beneficial partnerships and ventures that propel you toward greater financial success and social mobility. 

20. Adapt To Change

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Adapting to and mastering new technologies can enhance employability in an increasingly digital economy. Those who are technologically proficient may access better job opportunities and higher wages. Being adaptable to new tech may give you a competitive edge in today’s job market, helping you get high-salaried jobs and contributing to the potential rise of your economic status.

According to Terry Parham Jr, CFP, ChFC & Founder at Innovative Wealth Building:

“Rarely does a person’s life move along a smooth, straight pathway. Instead, there are abrupt changes, nonlinear patterns, and sometimes surprises around every turn. Sometimes, a person’s circumstances can change quickly, which can catapult them from the middle class to the upper class.

I’ve personally seen this happen to clients that have gotten a huge promotion/ job change, created a product, invested in a business, or received a large inheritance.

Throughout these lifestyle changes, I consistently encourage clients to stick to the basics: 1) retirement accounts and taxable investment accounts, 2) diverse, low-cost investments, and 3) an asset allocation that’s appropriate for their goals and risk tolerance.”

21. Become Worldly

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Working in different countries and learning new languages can help your career take off. Big companies now operate worldwide and prefer to hire people who already know the language and culture of that country, thereby offering higher pay and luxury benefits for working as an expat. 

Learn another language and take the opportunity to temporarily work in another country if the opportunity arises. It could be your foot in the door to a high-salary position with a global corporation that people in the middle class dream about.


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