The Surprising Price of Parenthood: 25 Insights Into the Cost of Raising Kids

The Surprising Price of Parenthood: 25 Insights Into the Cost of Raising Kids


Embarking on the enchanting journey of parenthood brings joy, but it also carries a unique set of expenses. Beyond the emotional investment, raising a child involves significant financial commitments, encompassing everything from diapers to daycare. Navigating the landscape of raising kids and the actual financial implications involved is no easy task.

The Rising Cost of Raising a Child in the U.S.

U.S. Department of Agriculture logo
Image Credit: Monticello/Shutterstock.

According to the latest report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the average cost of raising a child from birth to age 18 in the U.S. is $240,000— and that’s before college. This figure represents a 29% increase from 1960, after adjusting for inflation. When understanding this figure, you must consider the factors contributing to the rising cost of raising a child in the U.S., how it varies by different circumstances, and how parents can cope with this financial burden.

How The USDA Calculates The Cost of Raising a Child

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The USDA has estimated child-rearing costs since 1960, using data from the Consumer Expenditure Survey. They consider seven major expense categories: housing, food, transportation, health care, child care and education, clothing, and miscellaneous expenses. 

The USDA provides cost estimates and an online calculator for customization. However, this method has limitations, excluding certain costs (e.g., prenatal care, college) and assuming benefits (e.g., tax credits). Actual child-rearing costs can vary based on individual family circumstances.

The Major Expenses of Raising a Child by Age Group

Budget List
Image Credit: Minerva Studio/Shutterstock.

The cost of raising a child varies by age, as various development stages require different spending types. According to the USDA, the significant expenses by age group are:

Infants and Toddlers (0-2 Years)

  • Child care and education ($4,600/per year)
  • Health care ($1,300/per year)
  • Food ($1,200/per year)

Preschoolers (3-5 Years) 

  • Child care and education ($4,900/per year)
  • Food ($1,500/per year)
  • Health care ($1,100/per year)

Elementary School (6-8 Years)

  • Food ($2,000/ per year)
  • Transportation ($1,800/ per year)
  • Child care and education ($1,700/per year)

Preteens (9-11 Years)

  • Food ($2,400/per year)
  • Transportation ($2,000/per year)
  • Clothing ($1,000/per year)

Teenagers (12-14 Years)

  • Food ($2,600/per year)
  • Transportation ($2,200/per year)
  • Health care ($1,300/per year)

Older Teens (15-17 Years)

  • Transportation ($2,800/per year)
  • Food ($2,500/per year)
  • Clothing ($1,100/per year)

How Housing Costs Affect the Cost of Raising a Child

sold house image
Image Credit: LightField Studios/Shutterstock.

Housing, the most significant and consistent child-rearing expense, makes up 29% of the total cost to sustain a child. This category encompasses rent or mortgage payments, property taxes, insurance, utilities, repairs, and furnishings. 

Costs fluctuate based on home size, location, quality, and family size. The USDA notes that housing expenses are typically higher for single-parent and more prominent families in urban areas, the Northeast, and the West due to varying demand, income, and dependency ratios.

How Child Care Costs Vary by Region and Income Level

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Child care is the second-largest expense for raising a child, accounting for 18% of child costs. Childcare costs include daycare, preschool, babysitting, after-school programs, and summer camps.

  • Childcare costs are higher in urban areas than in rural areas due to higher demand and lower supply of childcare services.
  • Childcare costs are higher in the Northeast and West regions than in the Midwest and South regions due to higher wages and living standards of childcare workers.
  • Childcare costs are higher for higher-income families than lower-income families due to the quality and quantity of childcare services they use.

Education Costs

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Education costs include tuition, fees, books, supplies, and uniforms for public or private schools, as well as college savings or loans. 

  • Education costs increase with academic progression (elementary to higher education).
  • Variability based on school type, location, and financial aid availability
  • Impacts a child’s future earnings and opportunities.
  • Influences parents’ retirement savings and debt.

Health Care Costs

Hundred dollar bill covered with colorful medical pills. Money, healthcare and drug trafficking concept. Macro, top down view.
Image Credit: Cagkan Sayin/Shutterstock.

Health care costs include medical and dental services, prescription drugs, eyeglasses, and health insurance premiums. 

  • Healthcare costs increase as the child ages due to the frequency and severity of illnesses and injuries.
  • Healthcare costs vary by the health status and needs of the child, as well as the availability and quality of healthcare providers.
  • Healthcare costs affect the physical and mental well-being of the child, as well as the stress and productivity of the parents.

Food Costs Change as Children Grow Older

Grocery Shopping
Image Credit: Prostock-studio/Shutterstock.

Food costs include groceries, dining out, school meals, and snacks. 

  • Food costs increase as the child grows due to the higher calorie and nutrient intake.
  • Food costs vary by the food preferences and habits of the child, as well as the prices and availability of food items.
  • Food costs influence the health and development of the child, as well as the lifestyle and culture of the family.

Transportation Costs Depend on Family Size and Location

Bus moving on the road in city in early morning. View to the traffic with trafficlights and transport
Image Credit: LeManna/Shutterstock.

Transportation costs include car payments, gas, insurance, maintenance, public transit, and air travel

  • Transportation costs increase as the family grows due to the need for more seats and space in the vehicle.
  • Transportation costs vary by the distance and frequency of travel and the mode and quality of transportation.
  • Transportation costs affect the mobility and opportunities of the child, as well as the convenience and safety of the parents.

Clothing Costs Reflect Needs and Preferences

Clothing Tag
Image Credit: Sensay/Shutterstock.

Clothing costs include clothes, shoes, accessories, and laundry.

  • Clothing costs increase as the child grows taller and heavier due to the need for more oversized and durable clothing.
  • Clothing costs vary by season and occasion, as well as the style and quality of clothing.
  • Clothing costs influence the appearance and identity of the child, as well as the social and emotional well-being of the parents.

Personal Care Costs

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Personal care costs include hygiene and grooming products, such as soap, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, haircuts, and cosmetics. 

  • Personal care costs increase as the child matures physically and sexually due to the need for more and different products.
  • Personal care costs vary by the gender and personality of the child, as well as the availability and affordability of products.
  • Personal care costs affect the health and hygiene of the child, as well as the confidence and self-esteem of the parents.

Entertainment Costs

Storage tubs for storing toys for children
Image Credit: Klem Mitch/Shutterstock.

Entertainment costs include toys, games, media, hobbies, sports, and pets. 

  • Entertainment costs increase as the child develops more interests and skills due to the need for more diverse entertainment options.
  • Entertainment costs vary by the age and gender of the child, as well as the popularity and quality of entertainment products.
  • Entertainment costs influence the happiness and creativity of the child, as well as the bonding and fun of the family.

Miscellaneous Costs

Allowance money for kids
Image Credit: goodluz/Shutterstock.

Miscellaneous costs include gifts, allowances, fees, and other expenses that do not fit the different categories.

  • Miscellaneous costs increase as the child grows older and more independent due to the need for more and varied spending money.
  • Miscellaneous costs vary by the occasion and purpose, as well as the expectations and norms of the child and the family.
  • Miscellaneous costs affect the generosity and responsibility of the child, as well as the values and traditions of the family.

How the Cost of Raising a Child Differs by Family Type and Structure

Family Eating Fast Food
Image Credit: ASDF_MEDIA/Shutterstock.

The cost of raising a child differs by the type and structure of the family, such as whether the parents are married or single and whether they have other children. 

  • Single-parent families spend about $16,000 more annually than married-couple families.
  • Families with more children spend 22% less per child than those with one child.
  • Age gaps, gender mix, birth order, and children’s personality impact child-rearing costs.

How the Cost of Raising a Child Varies by Race and Ethnicity

example of different race and ethnicity
Image Credit: Red UmbrellaandDonkey/Shutterstock.

Expenses associated with raising a child vary by the race and ethnicity of the family, such as whether they are White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, or Native American. 

  • White families spend about $33,000 more per year on raising a child than Black families and $27,000 more than Hispanic families.
  • Asian families spend about $9,000 less per year than White families and $4,000 less than Black and Hispanic families.
  • Family diversity, integration, discrimination, and stereotypes impact child-rearing costs and experiences.

Expenses Change Based on Parental Education and Occupation

students holding their graduation caps in the air in celebration
Image credit: Anel Alijagic/Shutterstock.

The cost of raising a child changes based on the education and occupation of the parents, such as whether they have a high school diploma, a college degree, or a professional license and whether they work in a blue-collar, white-collar, or service sector job. 

  • Parents with higher education and occupation levels spend about $92,000 more annually on raising a child.
  • Parents with lower education and occupation levels spend about $36,000 less yearly on raising a child.
  • Parental skills, knowledge, job demands, and rewards impact child-rearing costs and outcomes.

Raising a Child Is Affected by Inflation and Economic Conditions

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The cost of raising a child is affected by inflation and economic conditions, such as the rate of price increase, income growth, and the state of the labor market and the business cycle.

  • Inflation raises child-rearing costs by eroding purchasing power.
  • Higher-income improves living standards, lowering child-rearing costs.
  • Economic conditions, like unemployment and GDP growth, impact income stability and parents’ outlook on expenses.

How the Cost of Raising a Child Compares To Other Countries

Kids from different countries
Image Credit: BlueHorse_pl/Shutterstock.

The cost of raising a child varies widely across countries, depending on factors such as income levels, living standards, social policies, and cultural norms. According to a report by LendingTree, the U.S. ranks seventh among 14 countries in terms of the cost of raising a child from birth to age 18, measured as a percentage of per capita gross domestic product (GDP). 

The most expensive country is South Korea, followed by China and Italy. The least costly country is Mexico, followed by India and Brazil. Regarding the absolute amount of money spent, the U.S. ranks fourth behind Switzerland, Norway, and Australia.

Family Planning and Fertility

grandmother and little girl listening to pregnant belly of smiling young woman
Image Credit: SeventyFour and Shutterstock.

The cost of raising a child influences family planning and fertility decisions, such as whether to have children, how many children to have, and when to have them. Generally, higher costs of raising a child tend to lower fertility rates, as parents face trade-offs between quantity and quality of children and between children and other life goals. 

However, other factors, such as preferences, values, expectations, and policies, also affect family planning and fertility outcomes. For example, some countries, such as France and Sweden, have high costs of raising a child but also high fertility rates due to generous social support and family-friendly policies.

How the Cost of Raising a Child Impacts Parents’ Financial Goals and Well-Being

Financial Goals
Image Credit: kenary820/Shutterstock.

The financial impact of raising a child can be significant. Parents often find themselves reprioritizing financial goals. Saving for retirement, buying a home, or pursuing personal aspirations may take a back seat to their child’s immediate needs. 

This recalibration of priorities can bring both challenges and a sense of fulfillment. It underscores the importance of financial planning and balancing providing for their child’s well-being and preserving their financial future.


Smiling Young Couple Sitting On Sofa Calculating Budget
Image Credit: Andrey_Popov and Shutterstock.

Budgeting is a fundamental tool for managing child-rearing expenses. It involves creating a comprehensive financial plan for raising a child, from daily necessities to future education costs. A well-structured budget helps parents allocate resources effectively, ensuring they can provide for their child’s needs without compromising their financial stability.


woman hand putting money coin into piggy for saving money wealth and financial concept.
Image Credit: Nattakorn_Maneerat/Shutterstock.

Saving for a child’s future is a prudent step. Parents often establish savings or investment accounts for their child’s education or future needs. These savings vehicles allow parents to set aside money systematically to meet upcoming financial challenges, such as college tuition or unexpected medical expenses.

How To Reduce the Cost of Raising a Child

save for the future
Image Credit: Evgeny Atamanenko/Shutterstock.

Parents can explore various strategies to mitigate child-rearing expenses. This may involve optimizing spending by differentiating between needs and wants. Additionally, leveraging tax benefits and incentives, like child tax credits or education-related deductions, can provide substantial financial relief. Finally, tapping into local support groups where they can offer additional information and tips can help reduce overall expenses. 

How To Find Financial Assistance for the Cost of Raising a Child

getting financial help
Image credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

Finding financial assistance for child-rearing expenses can be crucial, especially for low-income families. Government programs, such as SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) and WIC (Women, Infants, and Children), provide food and nutritional needs support. Again, researching local community organizations or nonprofit agencies can yield valuable resources for childcare, healthcare, and educational expenses, helping parents alleviate the financial burden.

How To Prepare for the Cost of Raising a Child

Children Playing With Dollhouse
Image Credit: In Green/

Raising a kid is a journey filled with love, joy, frustration, tears, laughs, stress, and every other emotion under the sun. However, it does take some planning if you want to be adequately prepared. The financial aspect may deter some, while it motivates others to save so they won’t have to worry as much because of their safety net. Being a parent has been a wonderful experience that I wouldn’t trade for the world, but ensuring you know the many expenses related to raising a little one is essential. 

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