Get Paid To Lose Weight: 12 Apps That Pay You up to $10,000 To Lose Weight

Get Paid To Lose Weight: 12 Apps That Pay You up to $10,000 To Lose Weight

Did you know you can get paid to lose weight in 2023? Surprisingly, quite a few programs let you make money by getting in shape, and our top pick is Healthy Wage. It’s definitely an innovative way to make money online while improving your physical and mental health.

Who wouldn’t want to get paid to get healthy? And some apps pay up to $10,000 to hit your weight loss goals.

Take a look at some of the best apps that help you get paid to lose weight.

Short on Time? Here Are Our Top Picks

1. HealthyWage

  • Substantial Cash Prizes: Participants can win up to $10,000 by participating in weight loss challenges.
  • Success Stories: Many individuals have found success and motivation through HealthyWage. These success stories serve as testimonials to the effectiveness of the platform.
  • Personalized Approach: Participants like Michele W., who won $2,107 after losing 53 lbs in 9 months, appreciate the flexibility offered by HealthyWage, allowing them to choose their weight loss methods.
  • Legitimate Platform: Healthy Wage is legit and has a well-deserved reputation as the best app that pays you to lose weight and engage in physical activities. 
  • Endorsement by Experts: Jillian Michaels, a global health and fitness expert, endorses HealthyWage, highlighting its use of psychology and cash prizes to provide the structure and motivation needed for weight loss success.

Make your healthy wager today!

2. DietBet

  • Supportive community
  • Short, medium, and long-term challenges
  • Lots of success stories

3. StepBet

  • 6-week challenges
  • Shared prize pot if you win
  • Focus on daily activity

How To Choose a Weight Loss Challenge App

Choosing the right weight-loss challenge app is critical for success in your fitness journey. If you need the added monetary incentives to help you succeed and stay motivated, you’ve got to pick the right app, or you risk losing motivation and your money. With so many options available, choosing one that aligns with your goals and offers the best rewards is essential. Make sure you consider these factors when making your selection:

  • User Reviews: Always check what other users are saying. Their experiences can give insights into the app’s effectiveness, reliability, and legitimacy.
  • Features: Does the app offer tracking, community support, or personalized plans? Ensure it provides the tools you need to succeed. You may need an app that encourages you to participate in extra challenges, offers group or team accountability functionality, or other features to help you succeed.
  • Payout Methods: Ensure the app has a trustworthy payout system. Whether it’s PayPal, bank transfer, or gift cards, you want to ensure you’ll get your rewards.

How To Get Paid To Lose Weight: Step-By-Step Instructions

Getting paid for your fitness goals helps you to stay motivated, even on the tough days when you’re struggling to maintain your healthy habits. While each app works slightly differently, the overall process is roughly the same.

Step 1: Set a Realistic Weight Loss Goal

Before diving in, determine how much weight you want to lose. Setting a realistic goal ensures you don’t get discouraged and increases your chances of success.

You may want to lose 120 pounds long-term. Still, you’re better off setting a smaller goal over a shorter period for the best chance of success and getting that financial incentive.

Remember, you can always do another weight loss challenge to shift those remaining pounds and double down on your healthier lifestyle once you’ve successfully completed the first one.

Step 2: Choose a Platform

Choose a platform with an excellent track record and aligns with your needs and health goals. Maybe you respond better to challenges, or perhaps you prefer a wager-style approach. We recommend HealthyWage, but do your research and choose the program that works best for you.

Step 3: Sign Up and Create Your Profile

Once you’ve chosen a platform, sign up and create a comprehensive profile. This often includes your current weight, goal weight, and other personal details.

Step 4: Join a Weight Loss Challenge

Many apps offer challenges that you can join. These challenges can range from personal goals to competing against others or working with accountability partners, offering a fun and competitive way to lose weight.

Step 5: Track Your Progress

Regularly update your weight and activities in the app. Tracking ensures you stay on course and allows the app to calculate your rewards.

Step 6: Earn Your Reward

Once you achieve your goal, claim your reward! This could be in the form of cash rewards, gift cards, or other incentives, depending on the platform you choose.

1. Healthy Wage

With HealthyWage, you can earn money to reach your weight loss goals. The app allows you to bet on yourself and make money if you meet your goal. You can also join challenges with other users and win prizes if you’re successful.

If you achieve the goal you set, you will receive the prize you selected from Healthy Wage. The top prize is $10,000! 

Sound too good to be true? I thought so, too, but after some investigating, I can confirm that Healthy Wage is a legitimate money-making opportunity. If you can hit your weight loss target. Healthy Wage has been featured on NBC’s Today Show and ABC’s Good Morning America.

There are countless Healthy Wage weight loss success stories, but I’ve listed some of my favorite ones here.

  • Jennifer earned $4,180; she bet $150 for ten months that she would lose 100 pounds.
  • Sarah won $2,251 by betting $100 for seven months that she would lose 60 pounds. She crushed her goal!
  • Kristen won $4,000 when she lost 114 pounds.
  • Teresa S. won $2,415 and lost 69 pounds.

How Does Healthy Wage Work?

It’s really easy to make your “Healthy Wager”. You fill in your details, and the app works its magic. Just remember, you won’t make a quick buck with this or any other app of this type, as you need to invest your own money and hit your goals over a set period.

Prize Calculator

Start with the HealthyWage Prize Calculator. Enter the amount of weight you want to lose (10-150 pounds–minimum 10% of your starting weight), how long you need to lose it (six to 18 months), and how much you want to bet ($20-$150 per month).

The calculator will determine your prize amount.

With Healthy Wage, you can win up to $10,000!

You can play around with the calculator to find the prize and goal you want before placing your bet.

Place Your Bet

Sign up and lay down your bet. You agree to pay the monthly amount for the duration of the challenge.

Verify Your Weight

Verify how much you weigh, once at the beginning of your program and once at the end. Don’t worry, the weigh-in is easy — you have two options:

  • Download the app and follow the instructions to let one of their referees remotely witness your weigh-in [takes about two minutes].
  • Make a short weigh-in video that you upload securely to their website.

You don’t need any special equipment for either method other than a smartphone and a scale.

Achieve your weight-loss goal and win your prize! If you don’t hit your goal, your money goes to support Healthy Wage, including rewards for others who achieve their goals.

Healthy Wage offers challenges for companies, individuals, and groups. A company can set up an event that allows its employees to compete.

However, group challenges allow anyone to sign up and enjoy the fun. Healthy Wage offers many different types of challenges.

Current Healthy Weight Challenges

You can participate in multiple challenges simultaneously to increase your chances of earning more money. Here are some of the challenges that are currently available.

The Healthy Wager Challenge

This challenge is simple: Choose how much weight you want to lose and how long it will take to lose it. The amount of time you select must be at least six months.

Next, determine the amount you want to wager. You must contribute at least $100 over six months.

Enter your information into the prize calculator and lock in your bet. To win, you must meet or exceed your goal by the end of the last day of the challenge. 

If you achieve your goal weight early, you must maintain it. You forfeit your contributions and any prize money if you don’t meet your goal.

The Team Challenge

You need a team of five people for this challenge. The challenge lasts three months, and each person contributes $33 per month.

The best part is the huge payout – $10,000. You compete against other teams, and the team with the greatest weight loss percentage wins.

Cortney and her family won $8,000 by participating in two team challenges. She contributes her success to having a team to hold her accountable.

Not to mention the big prize that was also pretty motivating! Sign up. Join a team. Lose weight. Win up to $10,000!

Personal Jackpots

Personal Jackpots always change, so you must check the prize amount on the website. Each of these challenges has a set entry fee and time limit.

The amount you can win is determined by the number of people signing up for each challenge. With Personal Jackpots, your goal is to lose 6% of your body weight in the set time.

All the winners split the pot. The website shows you the pot amount before you sign up. For example, several personal jackpot challenges are going on right now. One of the challenges has an entry fee of $33.33/mo for three months, and the pot amount is $31,200.

If you won the challenge by losing 6% of your body weight in 3 months, you would split $31,200 with the other winners.

Step Challenges

The goal of the step challenges is to get you to increase your daily steps by 25% to win cash. The entry fee, challenge duration, and pot amount vary depending on your chosen challenge.

New challenges are offered all the time, so be sure to check the HealthyWage website for current offers and challenges.

Referral Program

Want to earn even more money for yourself and your friends? Each friend you refer will receive a $40 Healthy Wager prize boost, and you’ll get a $40 prize boost for each referral that signs up.

Holy cow! That means if you tell all your Facebook friends and 50 sign up, your prize will increase by $2,000! However, you must win your challenge to get your referral bonuses.

Ready to start? Enter your information in the HealthyWage Prize Calculator to determine how much you can win!

How Will I Get Paid From Healthy Wage?

If you win, you have the option of being paid via PayPal or check. If you choose a check, you’ll be paid in one to three weeks. The PayPal option pays in five days or less.

Get started with HealthyWage today!

2. Dietbet

DietBet gives you the extra motivation to engage in healthy activities and reach your target weight. It helps you set goals and has a solid option for newbies, with a simple 28-day program. For longer-term goals, you can choose a 6-month or 12-month plan.

DietBet is a fitness app that allows you to bet on your own weight loss. You can choose from three weight loss programs:

  • Kickstarter program (28 days)
  • Transformer program (6 months)
  • Maintainer program (12 months)

DietBet Charges

When you sign up for DietBet, you will be charged a fee based on your bet amount. The fees are as follows:

  • 25 percent fee for bets under $100
  • 20 percent fee for bets $100 – $249
  • 15 percent fee for bets $250 – $500
  • 10 percent fee for bets over $500

Depending on how much money you want to bet, DietBet could be a great deal. If you lose the bet, you don’t get your money back, but if you win, you make some extra cash while getting healthy in the process.

3. Stepbet

Stepbet is another weight loss app that recognizes that money is a powerful motivator. Connecting your favorite fitness tracker lets you bet on yourself to meet your step goals and win real money. Here’s how it works.

How Stepbet Works

The first thing you need to do is download the Stepbet app and create an account. Once done, you’ll need to connect a fitness tracker.

Then, you’ll choose from various challenges, each with its own step goal. These challenges typically last six weeks. During the challenge, you must hit a certain number of Active and Power days each week to “win” the week.

You’ll split the pot with the other successful participants if you hit your step goal for all six weeks. The pot size depends on how many people sign up for the challenge and how much they each bet.

4. Evidation

Most of us know that we should be taking care of our health. We should be eating right, exercising, and getting enough sleep. But let’s face it; sometimes it’s hard to find the motivation to do those things when there’s no immediate reward. That’s where Evidation comes in.

With Evidation, you can get rewarded for the healthy actions you’re already taking. Connect your favorite apps to track your everyday activity, and you’ll earn points you can redeem for cash or prizes.

How Evidation Works

Evidation is a health and wellness company that rewards people for living healthy lifestyles. To use the service, simply connect your favorite fitness and health apps to your Evidation account. Once you’ve done that, you’ll start earning points for every active step you take, hour of sleep you get, survey you complete, and more.

You can redeem your points for cash through Paypal, gift cards or a Visa prepaid card, or donate them to charity. And the best part is that you can cash out at any time—no minimum balance is required!

5. FitCoin App

A unique app that rewards users in cryptocurrency for their steps and workouts. Connect your fitness tracker and start earning!

6. Higi

Higi allows users to track various health metrics and offers rewards for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. With its integration with various health devices, it’s a comprehensive health-tracking solution.

7. WellCoin

Earn WellCoins for your healthy choices, from eating well to exercising. Redeem your coins for goods and services from partner companies.

8. GOODcoins

A sustainable choice, GOODcoins rewards users for making eco-friendly and health-conscious decisions. It’s not just about weight loss but overall healthy living.

9. SweatCoin

Convert your steps into SweatCoins, which you can spend on products, services, or even cash rewards. It’s a simple and effective way to get paid to move.

10. Competish

Turn weight loss into a friendly competition. Compete against friends or join public challenges to earn cash prizes.

11. WayBetter

Bet on yourself with WayBetter. Join games that challenge you to achieve your fitness goals and win cash when you succeed and win your weight loss bet.

12. stickK

Commit to your goals with stickK. Set a goal, stake money on your success, and earn it back (and potentially more) when you achieve your target.


What’s the best app to get paid to lose weight?

After all our testing and research, we strongly recommend HealthyWage as the best app to get paid for weight loss. It’s a legit app that rewards you for making healthy lifestyle choices and hitting your exercise goals and weight loss targets. There’s a team challenge option for those who find they need a strong motivator in terms of accountability partners, solo options for those who like to go it alone, and other options to help you win your healthy wager.

What happens if you don’t lose weight on HealthyWage?

If you don’t meet your weight loss goal on HealthyWage, you won’t earn the prize money. The money you wagered will be used to support the platform and pay out other winners.

How do you prove your weight on DietBet?

DietBet has a verification process where users submit photo evidence of their weight, ensuring fairness in the challenges.

Does HealthyWage really pay out?

Yes, HealthyWage is a legitimate platform that pays out users who meet their weight loss goals. They’ve been featured in major media outlets and have numerous success stories from users.

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