I Tried 5 Side Hustles, Here Is The Best Way For Women To Make Money

I Tried 5 Side Hustles, Here Is The Best Way For Women To Make Money

According to a survey conducted by Motherly, more women left the workforce after having children — 24% this past year, compared to just 15% in 2022.

Flexible side hustles to make money from home can be a boon for these women. With countless options, it’s hard to determine which ones are worth the investment of effort and time. Additionally, the best ways to make money as a woman requires considering additional factors beyond simply flexibility. 

As a side hustle expert for Mrs Daaku Studio and a woman, I tried five side hustles, but only two pass muster with potential for new and existing moms. 


Unlike other side hustles, surveys don’t earn a full-time income. They help you make extra pocket money but do not demand much time. 

Survey apps require you to complete surveys, play games, watch videos, answer questions, etc. In return, they give you cash or rewards.  

I tried Swagbucks, who boasted the possibility of earning a hundred dollars in a year. After spending 5-10 minutes on average on the app, I didn’t find it worth it, so I deleted the app.


YouTube involves creating video content in a niche, optimizing it for search, and promoting it on various social media platforms. Most YouTubers earn money with sponsored videos, brand collaborations, ads, affiliate marketing, and digital products.

Jill Caren of Blue Collar Brain shares, “I chose YouTube for my side hustle because I found myself always teaching people about a skill I have. I realized there may be a bigger market for what I could teach and created a YouTube channel to share my knowledge. It helps me reach new people and build a community that now reads my content and engages with me on different platforms. Doing the videos is easier than writing out the content, and it is turning into something I enjoy doing. The revenue it brings is growing, and the more videos I create, the more the community — and revenue grows.”

While I also built a YouTube community, and will continue to do so as an accessory to my blog and online presence, I cannot recommend this side hustle for busy women

There is a big learning curve. Videography can be challenging, requiring skill development, investment in equipment, and a significant time commitment. 


If you can simplify concepts and write in a manner that a 5th grader can understand, freelance writing is a side hustle you should check out. 

It gives ample flexibility and pays well. Freelance writing is also a relatively low-cost startup business, as you only need a computer and an internet connection to get started.  While beginner writers charge $0.10-0.20 per word, seasoned writers pay as much as $0.50 to $1 a word.   

I enjoy freelancing because there are ample clients to work with, the deadlines were lenient, you could write about things you love, work from anywhere, anytime, and the pay is good. Additionally, clients readily refer you to other businesses that need it. I still take up freelance writing gigs now and then.

I also spoke to Harman Awal, a fashion and beauty blogger at Your Girl Knows.

She explains, “There was a short period when I couldn’t make ends meet, so I tried freelancing. I knew I made good Pinterest pins, so I gave that as my offer. Initially, After two weeks of learning the right ways, clients started pouring in. I landed four clients for pin designing in the third week and, after a month, landed a client for managing Pinterest for the next six months.  

“Freelancing, to me, is making quick bucks on the side for things that I know and love doing. It offers flexibility and work-life balance for women while also allowing them to set their rates and be their boss, making it a great way to increase income and pursue passions.”

Freelancing is definitely a side hustle that I recommend for busy moms. You can find clients that you like to work with, take on work load you want, and create your schedule. It has everything a busy mom needs. 

Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistant is a simple way to make money and can be started with any skill set. Some of the skills to monetize include administrative tasks, social media image creation, social media management, content writing, blog management, etc.

I added virtual assistance services to my resume but quickly realized the competition was high; offering multiple services would confuse my marketing strategy, and high-paying clients always preferred hiring experts instead of all-rounders. 

While virtual assistance is profitable and quick to start, I stopped being one because I don’t see myself as one. 

“As my son grew up, I wanted to get back to having a career and started as a virtual assistant. It was quick to start, and I landed a few clients for designing and content creation. Not only could I work on my schedule, but I also earned well,” shares Anika Jain, What Anika Says.

Personally, I do not recommend this for busy moms unless you have an idea what service you want to offer and have expertise in it. If not, there is a possibility of confusion and getting lost in the 


Blogging is a flexible and low-cost way to generate income. The focus should be on writing about topics you know of, helping the audience, and optimizing content to be found on search engines, social media, etc. 

Some popular ways to monetize a blog include affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and selling digital products or services.

Emese Maczko of Eco Lodges Anywhere says, “Blogging as a woman means I rule over my time. I have two kids, and blogging enabled me to be there for them when and where I want to. It is invaluable to spend time with them while still working full-time. I don’t say managing time is easy since blogging as a business has challenges and difficulties, but having the last say on when and where I work is the best thing a woman can ask for.”

I’ve been blogging for five years now, and I’m a fan of this side hustle. There is a big learning curve, and it takes time to earn money, but nothing is as flexible as blogging. You can work on your schedule at any time of the day, and the sky is your limit with profits.

There are tons of side hustles that you can find on the Internet with claims of making easy money, but almost everything requires constant effort. In short, the best side hustle for women is the one that aligns with their skills, interests, and flexibility needs. 

Freelance writing and blogging are two options that offer a ton of flexibility, good earning potential, and relatively low startup costs.

This article was produced by Media Decision and syndicated by Wealth of Geeks.

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