25 Common Financial Oversights in Disaster Planning

25 Common Financial Oversights in Disaster Planning


Financial preparation is as important as survival kits in today’s disaster preparation. Initially, I was fixated on the obvious problems like a lack of savings or insurance. That’s when I dove into more subtle issues that often worsen the impact of potential worldwide or national catastrophes.

Let’s see what these common financial oversights are to help you avoid them and ensure you are financially ready for emergencies.

1. Not Saving for Emergencies

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An emergency fund is crucial in maintaining financial stability during unexpected situations, such as natural disasters or job loss. Proper emergency management starts with creating a savings account covering at least three to six months of expenses. 

An emergency fund prepares you for various hazardous situations and is essential to your emergency plan. It’s a financial safety net that allows you to focus on addressing the disaster rather than stressing over money concerns.

2. Underestimating Insurance Needs

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Image Credit: IrinaK/Shutterstock.

Many people must remember to ensure they have enough insurance coverage for disasters. They mistakenly think their existing insurance policies cover all types of disasters, which they usually don’t. 

It’s important to remember that different disasters might need different types of insurance. It’s always smart to check your policy details and ensure you have enough coverage for various situations. That way, you can avoid major financial trouble if a disaster happens.

3. Forgetting Cash Reserves

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In emergencies, access to banks or ATMs may be limited due to a power outage or system disruption. These situations make having a cash reserve an essential part of emergency preparedness. By keeping a small amount of cash readily available, you can address immediate needs during a crisis. 

4. Ignoring Debt

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Paying attention to debt responsibilities in disaster planning can improve financial troubles. It’s crucial to include debt management in your emergency plans. Talking to the people or companies you owe money to can help because they may have ways to help you if a disaster happens.

5. Overlooking Backup Documentation

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Emergencies require quick access to financial documents. Save digital copies of documents like bank details, insurance policies, and property deeds. Digital backups speed up claims and fund access after disasters. Secure and update these copies periodically in your emergency plans.

6. Neglecting Regular Disaster Plan Reviews

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Image Credit: T. Schneider/Shutterstock.

Not updating your disaster plan regularly can lessen its usefulness. Pay attention to possible threats in your area and adjust your plan and insurance coverage. 

Stay informed about changes in insurance rules, risk analysis methods, and recommendations from agencies like the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Stay in touch with your insurance agents to discuss changes in your life or financial situation.

7. Disregarding Diverse Investments

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Placing all your investments in one basket can lead to significant losses during disasters. Spreading your investments across various sectors is crucial to financial preparedness for emergencies. Diversification mitigates some risks and can provide more financial stability. It’s also crucial to evaluate how natural disasters could impact specific investments as part of effective disaster recovery planning.

8. Skipping Legal Affairs

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Having an updated will and power of attorney is crucial for emergency preparedness. Skipping them can lead to confusion, legal issues, and financial losses during disasters. Updated legal documents ensure a smooth transition of assets and decision-making power in emergencies. Consult professionals on your will and power of attorney as part of your overall disaster management plan.

9. Overlooking Evacuation Costs

Medical evacuation training in Nangarhar.
Image Credit: U.S. Department of Defense Current Photos – Public Domain/WikiCommons.

Budgeting for potential relocation costs is a key part of emergency preparedness. Disaster-induced evacuations due to events like earthquakes or floods incur accommodation, food, and fuel expenses. An emergency savings fund can help manage these unexpected costs effectively. Setting aside funds for such scenarios ensures you’re financially equipped to handle the challenges when disaster strikes.

10. Ignoring Utility Disruptions

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Planning for utility disruptions like power outages during emergencies is essential, as this can lead to unforeseen expenses. Costs could increase due to the need for alternative cooking methods, emergency lighting, and portable chargers. 

Incorporating these disruptions into your disaster plan allows you to budget adequately and ensure these necessities are readily available. Having funds set aside for such contingencies also provides peace of mind amidst the chaos of emergency situations.

11. Missing Out on Community Resources

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Unfamiliarity with community resources can leave you unsupported in a disaster. Investigate local, state, and national disaster aid programs so you know how to access them when necessary. 

Furthermore, to be thoroughly prepared, join local Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) and maintain contact with organizations such as the American Red Cross. Being proactive ensures you know where to seek help during emergencies.

12. Overlooking Pet Care

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Pets are an important part of the family, and often, people forget to plan for their needs in emergencies. Ensure you have plenty of their food, medicine, and things ready.

Groups such as the American Red Cross guide preparing pets for emergencies to ensure their safety. Including your pets in your emergency safety plan helps to keep everyone in the family more protected during a crisis.

13. Forgetting to Update Beneficiaries

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If you don’t change who gets your money and things when something bad happens, they might go to the wrong people. Keep the names of those who should get stuff from your insurance, retirement, and money accounts up-to-date. 

Doing this keeps your family’s money safe for their future. Plus, it lets you decide where your things go if something happens. It’s a good way to ensure your things go to those you love.

14. Underestimating Medical Needs

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Image Credit: CDC, Public Domain/Wiki Commons.

Not planning for health needs in a crisis can cost lots of money and harm your health. Reduce this risk by always having enough medicine, first-aid supplies, and safety items. Also, prepare copies of health papers and key medical details for emergencies. Places like FEMA and the Health Department give tips on preparing for emergencies if you have health needs.

15. Ignoring Communication Plans

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Keeping in touch during a crisis is super important. If you don’t have a good plan to talk with your family, problems may arise during a crisis.

Remember, normal talking methods, like phone calls or the internet, might not work in bad weather, an earthquake, or other situations. So, make sure you have a list of important phone numbers and think of different ways to talk, like using a satellite phone or a radio. Add these to your crisis plan.

16. Omitting Digital Asset Management

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Planning for how to handle your online accounts and passwords is a must in today’s world. If you don’t plan, you could lose access to important online platforms during a crisis. Think about using a tool that remembers your passwords. And keep a safe list of key account details for emergencies.

17. Avoiding Professional Advice

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Financial and legal advice can guide you as you prepare your disaster recovery plan. By consulting certified professionals, you can ensure all potential risks are covered, from insurance needs to estate planning. Professional advice can reveal gaps in your readiness plan and offer effective solutions, contributing to a robust and comprehensive emergency management strategy.

18. Forgetting Extra Personal Expenses

A pair of hands holding a handful of travel size soaps, lotions and other toiletries.
Image Credit: Simone Hogan/Shutterstock.

Many people don’t consider investing in personal items, like hygiene products or comfort items, in their emergency funds. During disasters, these overlooked details can result in unexpected out-of-pocket expenses. 

To ensure your disaster preparedness plan is comprehensive, factor in unpredicted personal costs. FEMA’s emergency preparation resources include recommended essentials to consider when creating your emergency fund.

19. Inadequate Home Maintenance

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Not keeping your house ready for disasters that often happen in your area can cause big damage and cost a lot of money. Spend money to strengthen your house, like making it safe from earthquakes or fireproofing it against forest fires. Getting your home ready is important when preparing for danger and bad situations.

20. Neglecting Transportation Needs

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With a plan for getting around during a crisis, you could avoid becoming trapped when you must leave. Ensuring your car works well or knowing alternative routes and travel methods can be lifesaving. It’s crucial to consider transport while mapping out your emergency plan. The plan should detail the exit strategy and safe destinations.

21. Ignoring Long-Term Displacements

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Image Credit: Nella/Shutterstock.

The financial impact of long-term displacement following a major disaster is immense. Failure to consider extended accommodation needs, ongoing utility costs, and additional expenses can quickly deplete savings. Comprehensive disaster planning should consider scenarios of both brief and prolonged evacuation. Such considerations enable you to be adequately equipped to handle either.

22. Disregarding Mental Health Costs

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The emotional strain and stress of a disaster can take a toll on mental health, leading to potential costs for therapy or medication. A good emergency management plan should allocate resources for potential mental health support costs following a disaster. Similarly, having a solid support group like family or friends can provide essential emotional help during difficult times.

23. Missing Loan Repayment Plans

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Paying back loans during a disaster is scary if money becomes tight. Having a plan for loan payments is important when preparing for tough situations. Some plans include saving emergency money, paying extra on your loan early, or asking the lender to temporarily pause your payments. Planning like this can stop bad credit and decrease money stress during emergencies.

24. Overlooking Dependents’ Needs

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Planning for the people who rely on you during a disaster is incredibly important. Your disaster plan should consider what your kids, parents, and other close friends or immediate family need.

Such a plan may involve stocking up on necessary supplies, arranging for adequate care and support, understanding the roles and responsibilities of caregivers during a disaster, and coordinating with local emergency services.

25. Assuming Government Aid

FEMA 39156 FEMA representative speaks with a disaster victim in Puerto Rico
Image Credit: Andrea Booher, Public domain/Wikimedia Commons.

It is risky to depend too much on government help as it might not cover all expenses or come quickly. Aid from places like FEMA should not be the only thing you can count on in times of disaster.

You need to know what government aid you can apply for and how to get it. It should be part of your disaster plan. However, your own plan for recovering from a disaster is the most important.

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